How can I help?

Computer help

I often hear folks talking about problems they are having with their computers and the first thing I think is “How can I help?” Some people want advice, others want someone to just fix it, and still there are others who just decide to live with the problem. If you fit into either the first or second category, then you’ve come to the right place. I’m here to help.

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Hello world!

Hello World

I thought about changing the default title,but it actually seems pretty appropriate for my first blog entry. So let me start off by saying “Hello World, and thank you for stopping by.”

There are tons of options when it comes to getting your computer repaired, upgraded or even just diagnosed. The electronics stores have their tech teams, there are IT consulting firms, and then there are the people you know and trust. My goal is to become one of those people you know and trust with your computer.

Until next time,


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